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About Us

The primary goal of the Student Investment Funds website is to establish an avenue for students to showcase their investment research and report their investment success. The intended consequence is to foster greater engagement among stakeholders and ultimately lead to better placement opportunities for students.

For Students

  • SIF students - the pressure of operating in a more public manner raises the stakes and promotes greater accountability. Successes and failures become more visible, inviting comparisons with peers from other SIFs. This mirrors the higher-pressure environment of a professional portfolio manager, where performance reporting is made public at regular intervals. 

  • Prospective students - this is a place to research different SIF programs and find the school that best suit their aspirations.

For Academic Professors

  • ​The availability of high-quality data facilitates more in-depth analysis and research opportunities. There is a wealth of insights to discover about the true value of SIF programs.

  • This will also enable comparisons of program structures among schools, seeking avenues for evolution and improvement across the SIFs globally. All with the aim of fostering better outcomes for students.

For Business Schools

  • SIF programs will garner increased attention and spotlight the quality of education offered by the institution. SIF programs should serve as flagship initiatives for business schools, and with heightened visibility and comparability, they possess the potential to drive talent acquisition, improve retention rates, and attract donors. Similar to the impact that MBA programs had on business schools.

  • Additionally, there is an opportunity to involve other business bodies in this experiential learning format. For example, accounting students could be formally engaged to audit the reported performance of their school SIF.

For Alumni / Donors

  • Much like in sports, it is expected that they will take an interest in their favorite "team" and actively follow its performance. They want to see their school program succeed, and the ability to track results, growth, and development makes is more thrilling. It serves as a direct reflection of their influence as mentors or donors.

For Recruiters / Employers

  • The aim is to provide recruiters with objective performance metrics and facilitates the identification of high-achieving candidates beyond traditional pedigree-based criteria. 

  • Considering the rigorous selection process and competitive environment of SIFs, student members can be regarded as a pre-vetted pool of high-caliber candidates. When combined with the capability to assess the performance from the SIF program and the individual students, this method empowers recruiters to identify outstanding students. And increase the odds of selecting candidates primed for success in the professional realm.

Join the next generation of
professional investors

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